Oilatum Emollient Bath Additive is suitable for dry and sensitive skin conditions. Simply add to bath water, it is easy to use and soothes and cleanses dry skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.
Forms an emollient film on the skin surface to reduce moisture loss, to hydrate, soothe and soften the skin. Formulated to treat itchy, irritating dry skin conditions including eczema and dermatitis, particularly when they affect large areas of your body. Suitable for adults and children.
Always dilute with water before use. Use once daily, do not exceed the recommended amount. For adults, elderly and children over 2 years: In an 8 inch (20cm) bath, add 2 capfuls (20ml). In a 4 inch (10 cm) bath, add 1 capful (10ml). Infants over 6 months: Add 1 ml (just enough to cover the bottom of the cap) to a baby bath containing approximately 15 litres of water and mix well. Not recommended for babies less than 6 months. Soak the affected areas of skin for 10-15 minutes. Gently pat dry. Oilatum Plus is an effective cleanser and should not be used with soap. When you have finished your bath, rinse the waste pipe with additional warm running water. This well ensure there is no residue left in the drain pipe. It may also be necessary to clean the bath with a degreasing agent. If you accidentally swallow the undiluted product it can cause an upset stomach, sickness and may burn and damage your throat. Contact your doctor for advice if you feel unwell.
Ingredients: Active ingredients: (w/w basis): light liquid paraffin 52.5%, benzalkonium chloride 6.0%, triclosan 2.0%, other ingredients: acetylated lanolin alcohols, isopropyl palmitate, oleyl alcohol and macrogol lauryl ether.
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Destination: Republic of Ireland (orders over €55)
Costs: €5.95 for orders up to €55. Orders over €55 will receive free shipping
Timescale: 2-4 working days
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