A dispensable bath additive to treat dry skin conditions in the bath or shower.
Hydromol bath and shower emollient is perfect for daily use by those who live with dry or sensitive skin and has been designed to replace your current shower gel or bath soap. This bath and shower emollient is free from preservatives and fragrances which makes it very tolerant for anyone with sensitive skin.
Leaving less oil on the bath surface, hydromol bath and shower emollient is a great addition to your daily skin care routine. The bath and shower emollient can be added to bath water or applied to wet skin in the shower to lubricate and moisturise your skin helping to relieve symptoms of dry skin.
Hydromol bath and shower emollient can be used with any condition in which dry skin such as eczema, ichthyosis (hereditary dry skin) and senile pruritus.
Features of Hydromol bath and shower emollient
- Replaces soap or shower gel
- Reduces moisture loss
- Softens and nourishes skin
- Lubricates and moisturises skin
- Relieves dry skin symptoms