Expectorant Syrup is an expectorant and decongestant which liquefies tenacious mucous and facilitates easier breathing.
Casacol Expectorant Syrup is used to treat cough and congestion associated with the common cold, bronchitis, etc with a unique combination of three active ingredients. A cough expectorant syrup is a type of medication used to help a patient cough up mucus. Expectorant works by thinning out the mucus trapped in the nose, throat, and lungs. It makes it easier to cough up this mucus, thus getting rid of it as fast as possible. Expectorants are often prescribed or recommended for sick patients who are have a wet cough with lots of mucus. Making the mucus easier to cough up can stop severe coughing fits that may irritate the throat and cause serious pain. A cough expectorant syrup is distinct from a cough suppressant, which works in an entirely different way. Cough suppressants block cough reflexes, allowing relief from a dry cough.
Adults: One or two 5ml spoonful's 3 to 4 times daily. Children: One 5ml spoonful 3 to 4 times daily. Indicated from children aged 6 years.
Ingredients: Methoxyphenamine hydrochloride 20mg, Amucolytic/expectorant to liquefy mucous, Guaiphenesin 100mg, Sodium Citrate 200mg
Same Day Dispatch for Orders Placed Before 12pm!*
Destination: Republic of Ireland (orders over €55)
Costs: €5.95 for orders up to €55. Orders over €55 will receive free shipping
Timescale: 2-4 working days
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