Broncho Stop Cough Syrup is a traditional herbal medicine used to relieve any cough.
BronchoStop Cough syrup contains a combination of ingredients not commonly found in other cough products used to relieve any cough: dry, tickly, chesty, mucus or catarrh. BronchoStop is a traditional herbal medicine used to relieve any cough, based on traditional use only.
Adults, the elderly and children over 12 years: using the measuring cup provided, 15ml of syrup to be taken every 4 hours, 4 times a day.
Ingredients: 120 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Thyme Herb (Thymus vulgaris L. and Thymus zygis L., herb) (DER 7-13:1) Extraction solvent: water, 830 mg of extract (as liquid extract) from Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis L.) (DER 12-14:1) Extraction solvent: water.
Same Day Dispatch for Orders Placed Before 12pm!*
Destination: Republic of Ireland (orders over €55)
Costs: €5.95 for orders up to €55. Orders over €55 will receive free shipping
Timescale: 2-4 working days
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