Helps maintain a healthy body fluid balance and aids with the breakdown of fat in the digestive system.
Highly concentrated bio-available Apple Cider Vinegar tablets combined with Artichoke extract, which may help maintain healthy digestion, and Dandelion extract, which may help maintain a normal body fluid balance. Provides 720 mg highly concentrated Apple Cider Vinegar per tablet fortified with standardised Globe Artichoke and Dandelion.
2-3 tablets with a glass of water at breakfast.
Ingredients: Apple Cider Vinegar powder, Globe Artichoke, Dandelion
Same Day Dispatch for Orders Placed Before 12pm!*
Destination: Republic of Ireland (orders over €55)
Costs: €5.95 for orders up to €55. Orders over €55 will receive free shipping
Timescale: 2-4 working days
Click here for further information
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, simply return it within 14 days of delivery. Please fill in the form below within 14 days of receiving your order. We will happily offer an exchange or refund (excluding shipping) for the products if they are in the same condition and packaging that the products were received in. In such instances, the buyer must pay return costs.For futher details please click here.
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